Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Our 20th LID-iversary!!!!!!!

Well, here we are at month baby yet! We have NO earthly clue when we will EVER get our baby girl. Nothing to do but go on with life and don't think about it too much. I was in line at Walmart tonight and happened to read, "Britney Spears Pregnant Again." Geez, that chick can't even take care of the children she has and here she is pregnant again. Life is NOT fair!
Oh well........we'll keep hanging in there and hopefully one day, something will happen for us!


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Happy 20th... it past me by... never realized that it was today of our LID... I have gotten to the point where I try to not think about it but just get on with life... though I may feel sorry for myself at times (we are all allowed that)... I know our time will come when it is time and I too think that when we do get there we will forget this whole waiting thing... hehe

Kayce said...

Happy 20 Susan!! Hang in there....

PS - Sorry I haven't gotten your books to you yet. I'll work on that!