Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Ladybug Visit On Christmas!

Ok, yesterday was hard........I was really really missing not having our baby Rebekah with us and so when we went to visit my brother and his family on Christmas morning, I had to excuse myself a few times to go to the restroom and cry a little. I was sitting on the side of the tub, boohooing quietly when I suddenly felt something crawling on my arm.........imagine my surprise when I looked down and there was a little LADYBUG! Now, it was too cold for ladybugs to be out so this was quite a surprise! I dried my eyes, came out and got Doug to take a picture of the little ladybug. Yes, it does sound kind of silly, but who knows.......maybe Heavenly Father knew I needed a little reminder that HE is control of this whole process and our baby girl is going to come to us. I hope and pray that it will be during 2008 before our paperwork expires AGAIN. So, enjoy the ladybug's picture......I sure needed that little pick-me-up! I sounded like Meg Ryan and Rosie O'Donnel in Sleepless In Seattle saying, "It's a SIGN!" hahahahahahahahahahahaha


Lisa S said...

WITHOUT A DOUBT IT IS A SIGN!!!!! So such a neat experience to share with your little girl....sounds like a childrens book in the making!!

Unknown said...

i think that was just a sweet whisper from God. I have been getting those lately!1 Its awesome..
stay encouraged

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Susan... what are you doing with the ladybuy???? Remember our ladybug pact!!! lol... I am glad that little ladybug boosted your spirits but I feel you turning on me... you know what I mean!!!! Hahahahaha... as for the piece on my site... Mike will NEVER see that... hahaha... it was funny and I laugh each time I watch it... take care...

Carol said...

Susan...hugs, sorry you are having a rough time of it. I think 2008 will be your year, thinking of you!

Oh and I know about Fliss and the Ladybug thing.............HA HA HA

Tracy said...

That is sweet - definitely a sign, and that is Bekah letting you know that she is waiting for you.