Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lounging Around

Well, since we are out of school until January 2, 2008 I've been doing pretty much the same thing as my cat, Savannah........LOUNGING! hahahahahahahahahaha I had such big plans for the time off, but can't seem to get going on anything. I think that my body just needed time to chill out and rest my mind. I've been reading some of the Chicken Soup books Doug gave me and last night I started on a cross stitch project. I normally don't have time to do stuff like that so this has been nice. The break will speed by and we'll back in school shortly CRAMMING in stuff to get kids ready for Spring Testing. Oh the joys of teaching 5th grade! hahahahahahahahaha Meanwhile, doesn't little Savannah look precious and cozy in that new bed she got for Christmas?????


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I had big plans for my days off... (only 2) and basically spent them sitting around... The Chicken Soup book I have is for Travellers... I read it and it makes me want to go somewhere again... oh wait... I am!!! Hahaha...

Kathryn said...

I'm also off for the holidays and like you did not get much done except some house cleaning (what fun!) I had a list a mile long but spent a lot of time just resting. Oh well enjoy the rest of the time off and have a Happy New Year!!