Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas From The Appletons

Well, here I am sitting beside the beautiful Christmas tree, thinking about all that I have to be thankful for and all the wonderful gifts that I have in this life. I am truly blessed to have a family and a home and a wonderful loving husband. I am thankful for my job, my talents, my health, my education, our sweet pets, the many many luxuries we have and often take for granted. Life is good! I can't help but also think about that little girl that will hopefully come into our lives this new year. Oh how I look forward to meeting this little sweetie who we are going to love so very very much! I cannot wait to look into her eyes and hold her close to my heart and KNOW that this is my daughter; my little girl.......well actually, to be more precise and correct: OUR DAUGHTER; OUR LITTLE GIRL (sometimes mommies just get overcome with so much love, we forget to include daddies in on our joy! hahahahaha). I am so looking forward to raising her in our loving home, teaching her to enjoy life, providing structure and guidance, and rejoicing in her many many accomplishments! I look forward to next year having baby toys beneath our tree, watching those Christmas cartoons with her, taking her to see Santa, dressing her in a new Christmas outfit, getting up with her on Christmas morning to open presents, taking her to Uncle Tony's and Aunt Missy's house for a yummy breakfast of oyster soup and fried oysters (ok, gerber baby food for her! hahahahahaha). Oh I just look forward to singing her Christmas carols and just being her Mommy! I also look forward to seeing my sweet hubby being a Daddy to her. He is going to be an awesome Daddy! So...........until then, my sweet child, I hope and pray with every ounce of my "mommy heart" that you are safe and warm and that your tears are dried and your fears calmed until we are there to do that for you! I pray that there are people in your life who are loving you until you are placed in our may not be here with us my darling child, but you are in your mommy's heart; kept safe and warm and loved. I can feel your sweet spirit and I know that I am your mother. You are my daughter, now, forever, and for eternity!!!! Hugs and kisses to you Rebekah and Merry Christmas to you my little peanut!


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Our turn will come... when exactly is another matter but it will... I am 100% sure... Merry Christmas....

The Landes Family said...

She will be here soon. God always answers prayers. Merry Christmas.