Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Well it is official....China made it only through Feb. 23rd. Two of the days were weekend days so they don't count so that means China only did FOUR FREAKING DAYS of referrals for the whole month. My question is, why are they increasing fees but not increasing the number of referrals they do? I honestly think that they want to eventually shut the program down and not have international families adopt their children. I really do. I think this whole ordeal is China's way of phasing out adoptions. We have been waiting FOREVER! When we first started this ordeal, couples would get a referral 6 months after sending their paperwork to China. NOW, there's no end in sight to the waiting! We have been waiting 32 months (over 5 times the wait it used to be!) ARGH! Yes, I'm venting tonight. I'm so tired of WANTING to be a mom and having to wait on this crap! I've told myself over and over and over that "the wait will be worth it," until I am sick of telling myself that and I'm sick of hearing it from other people. The wait is sickening, disheartening, and just crap crap crap! I've tried to think that maybe I'm supposed to learn to be patient through all of this (seeking to find some profound life lesson amid all the crap).....but you know what? It's CRAP! Plain and can put bows and lace on a pile of crap and it's still crap........
Ok, now I'm dying laughing reading this stupid post.......geez......I'm losing my freaking mind! hahahahahahahahahahahaha
What do I say now????? There's no words of encouragement that even sound plausible anymore......
The other day I told Doug that I was sick of thinking, dreaming, hoping, whatever, whatever, whatever about the adoption. It is what it is and no amount of worrying, fretting, etc. is going to make it happen until it happens.....IF it happens. So......we wait.......and know that.....oh good golly......we know nothing......crap!


Pam and Jeff said...

When I first started reading this, I thought this post is just so negative. As I continued reading, I found myself laughing so hard that I had to read it out loud to the husband. The visual of crap with bows and lace was more than I could handle. You are SOOO Crappin' funny!!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

And while you are at it Susan's... I agree with all the crap and then get a really long piece of red thread... wrap it around every lady bug imaginable and kill it... squash the stupid bugs... I want a dammed black widow spider with a black thread... hahaha... actually, someone asked me about 'the wait' today and I said plain and simple "Who gives a crap but I am not pulling out now"... hahaha... I think we are over it...

Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

Isn't it 4 days? I thought referrals went to the 17th last month. But hey what is one day? Well, I guess it does put us one day closer.