Thursday, April 05, 2007


Well folks, it's hard to believe that we have been logged in to the CCAA in China for a year TODAY! How much longer will it take before we get a referral? God only knows! I mean that with the utmost respect to God, because honestly HE is the only one that knows. Maybe our baby hasn'tbeen born yet and He's saving a sweet, precious, little spirit just for us. That at least helps to keep me sane as my heart longs to be a Mommy. Wherever she is, I hope she KNOWS to the very depths of her soul how much her Mommy and Daddy want her to join them soon and how much we will love and adore her. Hopefully the wait for the referral will speed up soon. Keep us in your prayers! Enjoy this picture of the Great Wall of China in Winter. Sometimes I feel like we're trying to climb this "great wall" that is keeping us from our baby. The only thing we can do is take ONE STEP at a time and at the end we'll have the best "view" of all when they place that sweet little girl in our arms. THAT is the end result I cling to.

1 comment:

Our Red Thread Journey said...

What a lovely blog! I have added you to my favorites and will be stopping by to check it out as often as I can!