Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Taggy Blanket Started

Ok, I'm on Spring Break and so today I was sitting here and thought, "Didn't I buy some stuff to make a taggy blanket months ago?" Sure enough, there it was in the closet, hidden under some other stuff. So last night I pulled it out and started planning how I want to do this. Keep in mind that I'm not very good at sewing but I think I can handle this. I'm NOT going to make Rebekah's 100 Wishes Quilt ( I'm getting the Hatcher Center to sew it) but I am putting the wishes together in the Scrapbook. I wanted to at least be the one who sews her taggy blanket. Now some of you may be sitting there reading this and saying, "What the heck is a taggy blanket?" (My husband said the same thing....hahahahahaha) We all have seen babies who are more fascinated with the tags on clothes and blankets than the actually blanket so some brilliant person came up with the idea of making a blanket that has little tags sticking out all the way around. I've heard people say that their babies love these blankets and it really helps to keep them quiet (like in church or on the airplane). Plus, as a teacher, I can see the advantages of the tags as a tactile development tool. So.....with that said, I am working on Baby Rebekah's taggy blanket. The actually blanket will be a quilted pink/white gingham and you can see the ribbons that I have cut and sewn so far. It felt good to be doing something for my baby (there's that "nesting" again) plus I'm happy when I'm crafting and being creative so this is exciting. I'm just wondering how long it will take me to finish it? Who knows?

1 comment:

Kim said...

Once you get started it will be finished, that fast! I couldn't stop at one and ended up making two for my secret pals:)