Monday, April 09, 2007

Oh The Joy of FINALLY having time to READ!

Well, I FINALLY have had time to sit and read and TOTALLY enjoy the experience! I stay so busy with my students during the week that I never take the time to just read. Boy am I making up for it this week! Right before Spring Break (while I was out with some sick leave days dealing with kidney stones) I read for the second time the book that I bought at our school's Book Fair. It is called The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and is by the author the book Because of Winn Dixie, Kate Dicamillo. She is a fabulous author and the voice she gives to her characters just make you feel like you are RIGHT there with them. This book, "Edward Tulane" is about a journey that a ceramic rabbit makes and with all of its twists and turns and emotion it is just AMAZING! I cried! hahahahahahahahaha Of course for anyone that KNOWS me, that is nothing new as I am the "most sentimental and tenderhearted person" according to my husband! Anyway, I would strongly recommend it!
Last night I finished another book called, Forever Lily by Beth Nonte Russell. It is about a lady who went with a friend to China. The friend was adopting a baby girl but then decides she doesn't want the baby and the author starts to bond with the baby. It is amazing! The author had dreams about China before and during the trip and it was REALLY interesting! Now I am working on another book called From China With Love: A Long Road To Motherhood. I hope it is good. It sure is nice to be able to enjoy these books and not have lesson plans to do, papers to grade, or anything else to occupy my thoughts. I totally get lost in a book when I'm reading it and I hope one day to share this passion for reading with my daughter. You should SEE the number of books I've bought for the nursery! hahahahahahaha


4D said...

I read and enjoyed "From China with Love". Enjoy your reading!

Keep smilin!

The Landes Family said...

Glad you have time to read. Once you get that sweet baby from China, reading will take on a new meaning. Can't wait to meet you at our picnic. Your daughter will be here before you know it.