Sunday, August 03, 2008

Security Blankey For Rebekah

Well, over the summer, I sat down and made Rebekah a little security blankey with little taggies (to keep her little hands/mind busy). It is actually made of soft flannel and quilt batting inside. The little taggies are securely sewn on the inside and the outside. I have noticed a few newly adopted children who love their blankies so I decided to make her one. It's about 12 inches X 12 inches and was a lot of fun to make. I might make an identical one to send to her one day in a care package before we go to China. It really was fun to make.


Unknown said...

this is precious. What a great idea

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

You are getting good at this sewing... glad you are back...

Carol said...

Great idea...Emily loves her blankets!!! She didn't really attach to toys until later....your daughter will love it!!