Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Updated Our Homestudy: THIRD TIME!

Well, our social worker came for our homestudy update visit. She's nice but I just am tired of updating paperwork with no end in sight. Found out that my VA fingerprints at the police station here in Danville did not work so now they are sending me the card to go BACK to the police station and do it again.........everything that CAN go wrong DOES go wrong in this whole adoption mess........I'm not in a chipper mood today. I want it OVER and I want my BABY!


Kathy said...

Oh my gosh my heart was breaking as I read this entry. You are so frustrated and you have every reason to be. We are adopting through Holt International. We started our process last September and we have our referral for our daughter and should travel to get her the last week of August or 1st week of September. And yes you read that right we had a referral for our daughter within the first 7 months of filling out the very first paper! She is a China Child of Promise Child. Meaning that she has a minor or correctable condition. Our daughter has an extra "pinky" toe on each foot but other than that she falls in the 80percentile range in all physical & developmental areas which is EXCELLENT!

Please check out our Journey Blog www.jazzyrose.blogspot.com These children often have very little or vertually NOTHING wrong with them. I am an Elementary Principal and my husband is a teacher so we are fellow educators.

God has spoken to my heart as I read your entry and I felt compelled to contact you. Come see our Jazmyne Rose-Noel on her Blog and ask yourself if one of these children could be your daughter.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I am with ya Susan... I am SO over the paperwork... hugs to ya...

Carol said...

I think it sucks too..especially since these children are sitting in orphanages with no one to love on them............Emily waited for 2 years before she was "allowed" to be paper ready................we would have gone to get her..we would have!!!!

Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

Hang in there Susan. I almost always have to get re-fingerprinted. I just don't have very good lines on my fingers/thumb. I am always nervous going in and I tell them I am a hard customer. I like that the ones for immigration are computerized.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan.

Thank you for letting me read your blog. I completely understand the entire fingerprint issue. My prints never clear the first time and I always have to redo them. I even tell everyone who prints me the prints won't clear unless they press my fingers just right but usually they tell me they're really good at what they do and they'll clear. Hasn't happened yet, unfortunately.

Thank you again.

Linda Jones