Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Fashions For Rebekah!

Well, Friday (July 11, 2008) I was at the mall just browsing and walking around after I finished my teacher workshop. I found a mega sale on summer baby clothes at J.C. Penney and just had to buy something. Of course I was careful not to spend a lot and I even bought size 12 month so Rebekah will be able to grow into these things eventually. I got a little summery looking onesie that is so adorable and a BEAUTIFUL blue seersucker top with matching pantaloons that has ladybugs on it! HOW ADORABLE! I don't buy a lot of baby clothes because I really want to wait until we get her and know her sizes and everything but every now and then I will see something adorable and just have to buy it.....yep, it's that mommybird "nesting" instinct that kicks in! hahahaha


Unknown said...

way too cute and I love that material!

Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

Susan, I love the blue seersucker outfit. It is so cute. I try to buy something each month on our LID-versary for Marissa. I told Robby that I need to start buying big items now that we are getting closer like car seat, high chair, baby monitors, etc... It is fun, isn't it?