Saturday, August 16, 2008

Doug Got Us Cell Phones!

Today Doug went out for a bit and when he came back he had gotten us cell phones! hahahahahahahahahaha Oh Lord, it is going to take me FOREVER to learn how to use this thing. I haven't had a cell phone in five years! This one has a keyboard for text messaging and a camera! How in the WORLD do you use that?????? He has his all figured out and has been using it but mine is still charging! It's so cute and it's PURPLE! hahahahahahaha Doug said that we're going to eventually need it when we have Rebekah and he feels better knowing I have it in case of an emergency! What a sweet hubby! He is DEFINITELY more technologically advanced than I am though.

1 comment:

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Snazzy... mine is a Sony Ericsson 'Walkman'... it is one of those slide phones... that is all that I really need... I can send you a photo or two... heheh