Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another School Year......

Well, we have started a new school year. This marks the FOURTH school year since we started the China Adoption. And I can't help but wonder if we will get our daughter this year? I think when it finally happens, we won't believe it at all! I can see us standing in China being handed a baby and still not believing it. I miss the excitement I used to feel about the whole process. It's been so long and drawn out that I never feel excited about it anymore. I simply don't. I guess that's the way my heart protects itself......I'm scared to get excited or to even look forward to it in case it doesn't happen. It will be easier to take. On Sept. will be our 29th month of waiting! No end in sight. At least those darn Olympics are over! Now let's see if they speed up.......oh that's a big laugh.....can you detect the sarcasm????? For YEARS we've heard over and over......"AFter __________________________ (some event), the CCAA is going to speed up referrals." Yea, right! We used to believe it and get all excited as each event came and went, but now we have wised up and realized that it's just some sick joke to them to keep us waiting. But still we wait.......


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Yep, and still we wait... I too think we will get there but it is the wait I hate... I think though... even more... the paperwork... esp the new one... argh!!!

Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

I, too, hate the wait and feel like I can't get excited even though I am closer. I keep waiting for something to happen that won't allow us to adopt. So I have not even started shopping for our baby yet or decorating her room. Ho hum......