Monday, August 18, 2008

Letter I Sent To Congressman Virgil Goode

I was sitting here tonight thinking about our I171H expiring in April 2009 and how we already used our one free extension. Doug had called INS and talked to them about whether or not we could get a second free extension but was told that we would have to file the I800A this time and pay the fees all over. That just doesn't seem fair at all and then I thought, "Susan, just write to your representatives and see if you can make a difference in this whole situation." It worked the first time so maybe they can pass some sort of legislation and get another free extension. You never know. As the old saying goes, "Nothing makes a failure except not trying." So, I wrote this letter to him and then wrote a similar one to our senator, Senator Jim Webb. Yep, I'm an optimist!

Dear Congressman Goode,
I am one of your supporters and am asking for your help with something. My husband, Doug, and I are adopting from China. We have been involved with this process for over 3 years and still do not have our baby girl. We are continuing to hang in there and do all that we can to make this dream of ours come true. We really do want to have a family and have tried to adopt through Social Services but have never been given a child to love and take care of. That is why we turned to the international adoption program. Back in September 2000, I was diagnosed with cancer and cannot have a biological child of my own but I KNOW that I am supposed to be a mother! I am also a school teacher in Danville Public Schools and while I love my students tremendously, I know that I want to be a mother to my own child. My husband, Doug, is going to be a tremendous father too! The problem we have is that our own government is going to make us renew our I171H (with Immigration) and that in itself will cost us another $700. The first time we filed the I600A and paid the fees for the form and the fees for the fingerprinting we knew that it was a required step and we did it without hesitation. Well, the China process continued to slow down and the Chinese have stretched a wait that was supposed to be 6 months long into a wait that we have had to endure for almost 29 months with many months left to go. During that time our I171H expired but by that time Congress had changed the rules with the form and we could get a free extension of the form! OH HAPPY DAY! We didn't have to pay for the extension and we were elated! It will now last through April 2009, but the predictions for us getting matched with our daughter does not look positive and we are afraid that the I171H will once again expire and now we will have to file the new form I800A and pay the over $700 fee. We are writing to you to see if you can somehow bring this issue before Congress and discuss maybe a second free extension. Nothing has changed with us except we are a little older (I'll soon be 41 and Doug will be 36) but we are still healthy, both still working, and both STILL wanting this baby so very much! This wait has been so hard for us and there were many times when we were tempted to throw in the towel, but we both know that there is a baby that is going to be OURS and we will be her parents. We know that once we get her, this wait will be a memory (kind of like when a woman endures labor pains and forgets about the pain once she holds her baby). I just don't see the justification in making us pay more money when the whole delay is not our fault. We are hard-working, honest people whose only desire is to love and raise a baby. Shouldn't our government be proud to have citizens like that? Shouldn't someone out there be representing us and supporting us in this wholesome endeavor that we are in? We certainly don't feel like the Chinese government has been very supportive or caring, but isn't there anyone in the U.S. government who can hear our pleas and be on our side? There are THOUSANDS of us in the adoption community who have banded together during this long wait and who are pressing forward with the same ultimate goal in mind. We need to know that our representatives, such as yourself, hear us and are willing to reach out and help us. Someone, somewhere along the line did help when they passed the regulations to allow us the first free extension. Surely, they can do it again. I personally think that once you pay for the first I171H, you shouldn't have to pay to do another one as long as you are still going for that same child. We have not changed our course. The length of the course has changed, but that is not our fault. Can you PLEASE help us with this????? Can you please be the one to get the ball rolling on this???? Maybe I am an optimist who believes that I can sit here and write my Congressman a letter and it WILL make a difference. I'm asking you to please show me that my optimism is not in vain. PLEASE!!!!
Sincerely and respectfully,
Mrs. Susan P. Appleton


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Let's hope that it works...

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Just thought I would drop a quick hello... I am in Denver right now waiting on a flight to Durango, CO... so thought I would clean out my emails before hand... no more computer until I head home... my hiatus... we had a ton of rain with the storm... all is well... see ya