Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Our LID-iversary #33 Was Yesterday

With school starting back yesterday and just being SWAMPED at work, I didn't even think about our LID-iversary yesterday. It was #33 and hopefully we won't have too many more to go before China matches us with our baby! We're hanging in there and starting to dream a little more about being with her soon.


Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

The LID-versaries are a little easier when you know we are counting down to our sweet babies. Still it has been a long time coming.

Susan Appleton said...

I agree Tonja, it's been a long time, but there's a more positive feeling as we are getting really close!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Oh... I forgot all about it... has it been that long... ummm... who would have guessed... let's hope it isn't much longer... take care