Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Disappointed Again By CCAA

Well, the news online this morning in the adoption community is that the CCAA only did TWO days of referrals.....just two.......TWO FREAKING LITTLE DAYS! So much for a speed up, right? All those people who go to Rumor Queen and rave about how reliable she is must be out of their minds! For two weeks I have listened to people go on and on about the "rumors" that CCAA was doing this gigantic batch of referrals....throwing dates like March 5, March 14, March 23..........and like a fool, I let my guard down and started to believe that maybe this time, there really would be a speed up.....ARGH! When am I going to learn that there NEVER is going to be a speed up??? The CCAA is going to drag the month of March out as much as they can. We'll be lucky to get a referral before 2010! I really feel bad for a friend of mine who was expecting a referral in this batch and now it's not going to happen. Oh, she is being super about it all and so happy for those who will see their baby's face and I really admire her graciousness and poise. I hurt for her! This is just so unfair to all of us who continue to wait this ridiculous amount of time just to love our babies! I'm just.........................just..................oh what's the use.......


Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

Awww....Susan. You said such wonderful things about me. HA! You know this adoption ride has its ups and downs - more downs than ups but hey! At least I can honestly say I'M NEXT. Woo Hoo! And then you can drive down here and get a baby fix all you want until it is your turn, which hopefully won't be too much longer. Love ya!

Susan Appleton said...

Well you ARE a sweet person Tonja! I can't wait to hold your little one (after you've had time to bond and attach with her first)! I was just soooooooooooooo hoping that things were going to look up for a change with this whole adoption. All weekend while I was sick, I thought about doing our registries and thinking about our babyshower that will be coming and I guess I just got so excited only to be kicked in the teeth again. Why can't they just match us with our babies and be done with it? Why do they have to keep doing this to us???? I just want our daughter!
Love ya too girl!