Sunday, January 11, 2009

Finished Paperwork To Extend the I171H (2nd Time)

Well, today Doug and I sat down to fill out paperwork and make copies for everything we need to mail to get a second extension of our I171H. Last time we used the free extension, so this time we had to pay another $670 to get a second extension. Makes you wonder why they can extend it free the first time but not the second time. It's not OUR fault China is taking so long, but for some reason we are made to pay for their problems in China. Oh well.........I'm trying to just pay it and be thankful that we don't have to file the I800 which was more work and more paperwork than this form. At first we were going to have do that, but a bunch of adoptive parents petitioned Congress and got it changed! YAY to American Freedom of Speech! Democracy is alive and well in our country! Anyhow, it's more uplifting to think of that then to think of that big check I just had to write.......hahahahahahahahaha. Plus, I'm trying to look at it as being just one more hoop we have to jump through to get our baby girl! We're ready for you Rebekah! We'll be mailing this packet of paperwork/forms off tomorrow! HOPEFULLY we won't have to extend it again! hahahahaha


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I have one set of prints to be done for my in-laws and that is it.... the sooner they are done the better I will feel

Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

I am mailing mine on Friday. They said on or after 1/19, which is next Monday. Hopefully they don't send it back because it was mailed BEFORE the 19th. That would be my luck!

Susan Appleton said...

Well ours expires on April 11th so I mailed it today on April 12th....that's so silly of them to be so darn picky. You should be able to renew it when you want to and not have to count days......oh's done AGAIN!