Sunday, April 05, 2009

3 Year LID-iversary TODAY (36 months!)

Well, I was sitting here today and all of a sudden realized that it is our LID-iversary! Our paperwork (the dossier) has been in China for THREE YEARS! I guess it's still there and I hope it isn't moth-ridden or so piled up with dust that they can't read it when they get to us. We still don't know WHEN they will get around to matching us with our baby. Right now the rumors are saying that they have given referrals to people with an LID of March 7th and 8th and we've seen people posting online about their referrals so I guess they only did those two days worth for this month. I have heard that the 7th was a huge batch though, so maybe the next batch will include more days! I was so hoping they would get to us by now, but alas, they have not...........oh well, there's nothing to do but continue to hang in there. So......happy LID-iversary to us AGAIN!

Doug and I went out to dinner at Outback to celebrate our LID-iversary. We talked about our baby girl and the projected time that we might be getting our referral. There is a referral calculator online that you can type your LID in and it tells you when it is projected that you will receive your referral. When I typed in April 5, 2006 it said Sept. 7, 2009. So............for all of you who ask me WHEN it is going to happen, we have that GUESSTIMATE and that's about it. Of course we hope it will be sooner, but we hope it won't be later. Of course this means we will have to update our homestudy AGAIN for the 4th time because it expires in August......oh well.......
Anyhow, afterwards we went to Target for a few things and while there, I made myself go to the baby aisle and look around. I did end up buying a cute little white summer-time shirt (18 months) since I've promised Doug not to buy anymore dresses! hahahahahahahahaha I do want to try to find some baby bib-overalls and "frill them up" with some lace and ribbons! hahahahahahahaha Every little southern belle needs some cute little bib-overalls! Anyhow, that's it for our LID-iversary!


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

What a way to pass the time... go shopping :) I will admit I am so excited everyday to get into Shauna's room and paint...

Susan Appleton said...

I am planning on getting in the nursery next week when I am off for Spring Break and rearranging everything and maybe doing some stuff. I want to buy a book shelf for all of her books and some baskets for it to put things like lotions, etc. on the topshelf. Gosh the child has a TON of books! I've got a table in there now that has to go out. I just want to get excited about it all. I'm TRYING!

The Landes Family said...

Don't buy any baskets yet. Wait and see what Longaberger baskets I have for sale. These will last you a lot longer than cheap ones. You can even write on these for memories. I plan on putting the ones that I have for sale in a slide show this week or next. Your time is coming. Just hang on. the down hill roller coaster ride is just about to begin.
Love you guys.