Wednesday, March 04, 2009

HAPPY and SAD at the same time!!!!!!!

Ok, I am a blubbering mess right now! My two friends, Tonja and Jamie got the pictures of their babies and I looked at Jamie's this morning and cried and then looked at Tonja's just now and cried more. What BEAUTIFUL baby girls they have! I am so very very very very very very happy for them! I feel like an AUNT! hahahahahahaha What a beautiful time it is to share in their joy and the thrill of their adoption journey, but now it is so emotional to look at their babies' and wonder what our Rebekah looks like and wonder WHERE IS SHE??????? Is she ok? Is there someone holding her when she cries or keeping her little feet covered up in the cold? Is she getting enough to eat? Is there someone to play with her or soothe her when she's scared???????? Oh my gosh, all these emotions are just bubbling up inside of me and I want our baby NOW!!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want her alone a minute longer!!!!! Whew, what a mess I am right now..........I think I need to go get myself together and just say a prayer that she is ok. I love you Tonja and Jamie and I'm so happy for you.....really I am! Thank you for taking me along on your journey and please understand that even though I am an emotional trainwreck wanting my baby, I am THRILLED TO DEATH for you guys!!!!!


trina said...

The prayer I said for our babies while we waited...and gave me so much peace...I'll pray for Rebekah.
Lord, I pray that you will hold Rebekah in your arms and keep her warm. I pray she will have lots of hugs, many kisses and much love until her mommy and daddy bring her home. Amen
I prayed this everyday for each of them and I know my prayers were answered. Hugs, my friend. It WILL happen soon. Keep praying. Hoping. :)

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I know exactly how you feel... knowing we have waited this long and still have longer to wait... then you see people that you know so well getting their referrals and deep down you do want your baby now...
Last night I was the same with Shauna, talking to Mike about stuff, wondering if she is born, if so, is she ok, I had my little cry... so, I am staying busy doing stuff... nesting as some other people say... hang in there...

Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

I just wanted to give you a big HUG Susan. I can keep saying "hang in there, your time is coming" until we are both blue in the face. But that doesn't make your wait any easier. So, whatcha doing this weekend? Maybe you could come down and go to Babies R Us and register with me? HA! I think retail therapy would do me good. Don't know if I can get Robby to go or not and Caitlin depends on if she has friends over or not. I hope you feel better today.