Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday Night's Dream

Ok, I have debated over and over whether I wanted to share this dream online, but after keeping it to myself for two days and treasuring the emotions that the dream gave me, I am going to share with everyone a very special dream I had Friday night. Basically it wasn't like any dream I've ever had. It was about our baby in China....our little Rebekah. I've seen person after person online talk about dreaming about their baby but I never have had that experience and was a little envious that others had had these touching experiences. All day yesterday and this morning I thought about the very vivid pictures and the emotions of the dream, and I honestly think that it was a gift from Heavenly Father to keep me focused on my dream of being a mother to this little baby. The dream involved Doug and I being in China and getting our baby. I remember she was all bundled up in this yellow outfit and her cheeks were really red and she looked scared. She was whimpering a little when they handed her to me, but I remember that once I took her in my arms, I didn't hear anything around me, or notice anything around me but her. She was looking into my eyes and I was touching her little face reassuring her that she was ok and I loved her so much! I remember that I was kissing her little chubby cheeks over and over and she just kept staring at me. Even now, typing this, I have tears rolling down my cheeks! I remember at one point in the dream she sighed and just laid her head against my chest and it felt so wonderful!!!! I remember just sitting her against me and all these people were around with their babies and talking and I didn't hear anything. I just rocked her and sang to her and it was a beautiful moment. I know some people will say this is just "wishful thinking" but I am curious to see how it all plays out in China. I have been so guarded about all the hoopla surrounding rumors of a "speed-up" in referrals and just working so hard to NOT get excited about being a mom soon. Maybe this is Heavenly Father's way of telling me that's it ok to let my guard down a little and get a little excited and feel those nurturing feelings that only a mommy can feel towards her child. Oh, I hope so. I was pretty quiet a lot yesterday as we went to Burlington to meet our friends and then afterwards as I was thinking about this dream and wondering where it came from and if it has any significant meaning in my life. My friend Tonja gave me a copy of their referral picture and I couldn't help but wonder, "how long will it be before I'm giving her one of Rebekah's pictures and how long will it be before I'm looking into the eyes of MY sweet girl????" Anyhow, I'm sharing this dream because I feel a renewed sense of hope and a connection to my child half way across the world. Who knows....maybe she's dreaming of me and the same moment that I dreamed of meeting her. I'd like to think so.


Unknown said...

Susan, thanks for telling me about your blog I didn't know you had one!! What a beautiful dream!! Girl hold on to it and remember the feeling of that warm hand against your chest. I believe you are right, this is a gift!! The new pictures of Ella look so much like she did in my dreams... always she had bangs!! When I saw the first pictures of her I thought she was beautiful but thought .... where are her bangs? Then I just laughed at myself at the time but now seeing she does have bangs.... gives me goose bumbs! hold onto that dream girl... soon she will no longer be a dream!
Love you much and can't wait till you send ME and TONJA pictures of you BABY GIRL!!!

Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

What a great dream!!! I can't believe you didn't share it with me on Saturday. You know I have only had a couple of dreams about Marissa and that was before referral. Of course, I have only had a few dreams about our son, Kyle, also. Robby says I dream and just don't remember them. But I think I could remember something as important as my children. Hopefully things will speed up and it will your turn before you know it. You are going to be a wonderful mom!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan I have been following your blog for a while ,have prayed for you and your husband and your Rebekah. I nanny Mia grace adopted from China 2007 September and I know Trina Miller and Cheri Mordick. I truly believe this is from God ( your dream ) to keep your hope alive in your heart. I am 62 years old and have no grand children. I have been in daycare for 44 years and LOVE children. These little ones break my heart who will love them and care for them.The Chinese government needs to relax their rules a little because there are so many people who would love and cherish these little precious children abandoned by their mothers. I will continue to pray that things are hastened for you and that little beautiful girl that is dreaming of you also.

sue Lucas Roanoke Va.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I have still think about that dream that I had... and my friend had one and in the dream October was mentioned but she didn't know... birthday, gotcha day? Who knows... then there was the dream I had with a little girl at the end of my bed telling me her name... so, I too am just 'hoping' and 'waiting' to see what plays out with that... hugs to ya...