Monday, November 17, 2008

A Lifelong Goal/Dream Achieved!

Ok, this may sound silly but I'm going to post it anyway because I am so proud of myself AND shocked that I achieved something that has been a goal, dream, and New Year's resolution for my entire life! Don't laugh too hard when you read this......I have grown my fingernails! hahahahahahahahaha Yep, I have the cutest little nails and they are longer than I have EVER had! I have always had the bad, ugly, disgusting habit of being a nailbiter and no matter how hard I tried and how many tricks I tried, I could not stop more than a week or two. Now I have been going almost 2 months and haven't bitten my nails! Don't ask me how I did it. I honestly don't know. I didn't even TRY to stop. I just noticed about a month ago that I had some little nubs of nails that I hadn't bitten in about 2 weeks and then I just kept going. I wish losing weight and exercising was that easy! hahahahahahahahaha I'll have to take a picture of my little nails so you can see my progress.....let's just hope I don't post it and then go nuts and bite them all off! hahahahahaha Actually they are pretty darn thick so I don't think I'll be biting the darn things now....I might break a tooth!


Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

congratulations on this milestone. Now you can paint them a pretty color.

Debbie said...

Congratulations!! I am a nailbitter from childhood and I have tried everything under the sun to stop and nothing has worked. I have fake nails and have even bitten them off. However, I found a new salon and I have kept the same set on for the last 2 1/2 months so I am hoping that I can go another 2 1/2 months without biting and then maybe I will have finally broken the habit!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Yeah... I just wish that I could grow my fingernails but I can't cause they get ruined at work... oh... you are looking chic... hahaha