Wednesday, November 05, 2008

LID-iversary #31

Oh good gosh.....why do I even bother to post these anymore? I can see me one day posting "LID-iversary #183".......I can't even explain what I'm feeling right now sitting here typing this .........geez! And then today I read that CCAA might have only done TWO FREAKING DAYS of referrals for the month.......what is their excuse NOW??? I think I need to just close this post before I say something really ugly...


Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

Okay the part about #183 made me laugh. It won't get that bad. You are too close. Keep your sense of humor friend. It's all that keeps us sane. {{{Hugs}}}

Kim said...

Don't feel bad I counted wrong and gave myself an award for a 38 month LId-versary??I'm not even there yet!Urgh! I can't even count anymore, what is this wait doing to me???

Hang in there!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Sorry I haven't been by of late... work, work, work and everything slips my mind... what can I say... ummmm... nothing!