Sunday, September 16, 2007

Baby Clothes From Aunty Fliss

My dear friend, Felicity, sent me some baby clothes today that came from Australia. What cute little duds for baby Rebekah to wear one day (hopefully soon). I just LOVED the pink pants! Felicity, thank you so much! You're such a thoughtful friend and have become one of my "bestest" friends! I'm glad we share the same LID (04/05/06). One day, we'll have our girls and I hope they become friends too!
Love ya' girl and THANKS AGAIN!

1 comment:

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

You are more then welcome... besides, what are sisters for... you have to admit they are the cutest clothes... esp those pants... right up your alley... I do know there are more over back in Australia and will be bringing them back with me next year... the winter clothes are of no use to me in Florida...