Thursday, July 26, 2007

Started Back To A New School Year Today!

Well, my summer break is officially over. Today was the first day of school for teachers. The students start back August 2nd! I was sooooooooooooooo busy today moving boxes, arranging, cleaning, and I still have TONS to do! This year I will be teaching Reading to my homeroom class and then Math to my class and two other classes. I spent the day trying to move the Science and Social Studies stuff to the other teacher's room and then tonight I loaded my Language Arts stuff from the garage into the car to move to the school tomorrow! WHEW! I am so sore! I set up this really cute little patio set in my classroom to use as my Math Center and got rid of an ugly old table that I used to use. I think the children will enjoy working there! I'll try to take a picture tomorrow and post it here on the blog. In fact, once I get EVERYTHING finished in my room, I'll post some pics on here. Would everyone like to see that? Well, time for Mrs. Appleton to hit the hay........gotta get back in the habit of going to bed at a decent hour again! Hopefully some time during this school year we will get little Rebekah! Of course I said that last year and the year before.........we'll just keep praying and working on things around here until we get the news that we've been matched to our precious baby girl!


Carol said...

Wow, we don't go back to school here until August 28th....

Scary to hear the words "Back to School"...this family in not ready!

Haven't bought the first crayon here!!!

Debbie said...

WOW, school already!!! Some schools start the 9th, some a week later and some a week after that, but the 1st part of August that's EARLY!!! Hope all goes well and get your ZZZZZ's you'll need them!! I remember that 1st week of school all too well and its been 6 years since I did that.

4D said...

I think it is neat that Mrs Appleton is a am sure you have heard that before.

I would love to see the complete setup. Take it easy and enjoy the rest of the time before the kiddies show up!

Keep smilin!

Unknown said...

I know how hard your job can be, but I always thought it would be fun to set a class up and get to know my students..Sounds like you are doing well..

Cant wait to hear about your little rebekah!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Goooddd Mooorrrnnniiinnnggg Mrs. Appleton... have fun...