Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tinkerbell Fliss Strikes Again!

My dear friend, Felicity (who LOVES Tinkerbell), surprised us again with a goody box! Today I got home late from work, feeling tired and worn out and SURPRISE there's a box from Felicity! I opened it to find a beautiful Mulan doll for Rebekah and then she also sent the cutest little book called "Felicity's Wishes: Little Book of Wishes" which was ADORABLE! She had phoned me Saturday from the Disney Store and told me she was sending Rebekah a Mulan doll and had gotten her baby, Shauna, one too! For those of you who don't know Felicity, she is adopting a baby from China too and lives in Florida. We have the same Log-In Date (04/05/07) and have become "sisters" through this whole process. Felicity is sooooooooooooooo wonderful and I just love her to death! Thank you Fliss! You're just like a little Tinkerbell showering people with your own special "pixie-dust"....your "surprise" is on its way! hahahahahahahaha

1 comment:

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Oh how I love that... I have my own special bit of 'tink dust'... just remember... all you need is 'faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust'... thanks too for the nice comment... Don't worry... since we are the 'sisterhood', if you get out of order I can tell you to smarten Love Fliss