Sunday, March 11, 2007

Disappointed AGAIN!

Well BAD NEWS......on Thursday, our agency sent us an email saying that those who are logged in for March/April 06 will have to wait ANOTHER YEAR before they can anticipate referrals and traveling to China for their babies. To say that I was upset is quite an understatement. At this point we feel like we have had the wind knocked right out of our sails! We were thinking late summer or Fall and now it will be around March of 2008. I closed the door to the nursery and am NOT buying anything else "baby related" for while. I have been crying for days and even made myself sick over this whole ordeal. I'm posting a picture of my sister's cat, Binx, and that about sums up how I feel about this whole process. Ok Binx and Tabby, get the "chicken feet" ready!


Dannye said...

I'm sorry you are down, I know just how you feel, we are LID 7/14/06 for our first child, and it just seems like it's our horrible luck that the CCAA has the major slowdown when we finally decide to go the adoption route...well here's to hoping there is a speed up and your agency is wrong, and if not then I agree with this picture, tongue sticking out and all.

4D said...

I am sorry you are so sad. We never truly know what the future holds. There are conflicting reports all the time so take heart and know that everyday we get closer and closer to our little ones.

Keep smilin!

Anonymous said...

Hey sister... don't get down... if you ask me we are nearly to the top of the mountain when we get there it will be us out of review and then it will be all down hill (in a good way) from there... you know where I am if you need to chew chin wag for a while... Love Fliss