Friday, September 08, 2006

We Wonder How Long It Will Be?

Everyone always asks us how long it will be before we actually get a referral and travel to China to get our baby girl. WELL.....that's not something we really know. When we first started the process, the wait time from the LID (Log in Date)to the Referral was six months. NOW, the estimated time is about 13 months. Then we wait another month or so before we get to travel to China to get her. So, basically we just wait and wait and hope things speed up over there in China. Apparantly this slowing down and speeding up is a common cycle so we're trying to think of it as being our typical "Appleton Luck" hahahahahaha. Keep praying that things will speed up! Anyhow, this little ticker we found will help us keep up with just how long it has been since we were logged-in in China.

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