Saturday, September 23, 2006

Our Secret Pals Are Wonderful! (Sept. Surprises)

We are just blown away each month when we get our surprises from our March 2006 DTC Secret Pals! For September, the theme was "Reading Is Fun" and since Susan is a teacher and absolutely LOVES children's books, she especially couldn't wait to see what her secret pals would surprise us with. Upon opening the box, we found books that were tied in with the theme of adoption when we saw the one, "The Lamb-a-roo" by Diana Kimpton and "China In My Heart" by Emma Ling Zhu Davy ( who was six years old when she wrote the book and illustrated it too)! Susan cried when she read The Lamb-a-Roo because it is a touching little story of a baby lamb in search of a Mommy who is adopted by a kangaroo. The lamb notices how he is different from the rest of the kangaroos and tries to find a way to fit in. (We won't give the entire plot away, but is VERY cute!) We also got a little book version of the classic, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. What an adorable size of this children's classic! Then there was the VERY colorful book called, "Surf With Squirt" that I'm sure ANY child would LOVE because the pages are huge and FULL of color! Also included in the box were three hairclips with school buses and school related things on them and then gift certificates for each of us: Doug got a giftcard for Borders and Susan got a giftcard for OLIVE GARDEN!!!!!! The giftcards were our birthday presents from our secret pals and came with birthday cards. WOW, Secret Pals! You guys never cease to amaze us. THANK YOU!

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