Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Sticky" Goodies From Our Secret Pals!

Well, once again our Secret Pals have sent us a box of goodies and it arrived on a day when I needed a "pick-me-up." This month's theme was "Stickers and Sticky Things" and our pals were so creative and generous! First of all they gave us a TON of stickers to use in Rebekah's scrapbook which I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED. I'm one of those people who goes in the scrapbook aisle and pours over every kind of sticker there for hours! I just love creative stuff like that! Then, they sent a GIANT sticker book with a CD for Rebekah to play with one day and learn basic words. They also sent sticky Post It notes which we go through like crazy here in our home! Thanks! The cute idea they had was a cookbook they bought us that has all kinds of sticky, ooohy, goooey, recipes! What a creative approach to the theme! Oh, and they also remembered our "girls" with cat toys which they went crazy with! The purple catnip mouse is VERY popular in our house at the moment! The little fuzzy, jingly balls are a hit too! Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Mr. and Mrs. Secret Pal! You guys are AWESOME and we love every thing you give us! We hope you are doing great and please know that you mean a lot to us! Gosh, you've been our Secret Pals this WHOLE TIME and you never fail to surprise and delight us with your sweet gifts! Hang in there and we will too and EVENTUALLY we'll have our baby girls!

1 comment:

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I think I am getting more curious then you... on who your secret pal is... take care