Saturday, April 05, 2008 much longer is this going to take?? - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Well, we made it to the 2 year LID-iversary. For two years our paperwork has set over there in China.....just another pile of paperwork.....just another number in a never-ending list of numbers. It doesn't mean anything to them. To us it means the world and there's not a darn thing we can do to speed up the process or make them give us a referral any faster. I'm so tired of the term "LID-iversary" first it was a joyous occassion to mark off one month and then the other, but at this point with our hearts invested in this process for TWENTY FOUR LONG ARDUOUS GRUELING MONTHS we wonder how much longer it will be. I don't think anyone has ever had to go this long......I just don't understand why China continues to accept paperwork when they can't even get to the ones that have been waiting for two years. Looks like to me if they stopped taking paperwork and doing the reviewing and stuff and concentrated on MATCHING those of us already logged in, we could get this situation resolved. Why don't they hire more people to do the stuff that needs to get done? I'll tell you why....their hearts aren't the ones breaking and aching to have babies, that's why. It's just a job for them and for us, the waiting parents, it's a long, arduous LABOR OF LOVE! No one will ever be able to come to me and complain about being pregnant or having to endure a painful labor before delivering their baby! THIS HAS BEEN THE LONGEST PREGNANCY AND LABOR EVER!!!!!!
Now that I've vented and gotton that off my chest, I will continue to wait with my darling husband because we have no choice. We are in love with this baby that we have never met or even seen a picture of. This is our daughter: plain and simple.


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Yep, it is a major pain in the rear end but there is NO way I will let you give up now or in the future... we have put way to much emotions, money and time into this to give up now... you are not called the 'U.N' for nothing... hehehe... hang in there... I hadn't said anything to anyone or anything like that... afterall it is just a dream but the other night I dreamt that you and I were picking up babies off the street... I don't know where we were or anything like that... we were just bending down and picking them up... what that means... I have NO idea but still... good dream... hehehe... take care

Kristy said...

Yes I too agree with every word you say. We will celebrate our 2 year LIDversary on the 21st!!! And you know I will celebrate because at least we are that far along. But I do feel your pain , we too are in love with our little baby girl in China and your right it is a labor of love. Just know you are not alone, we are all here for each other.

Love and blessings, Kristy

Kayce said...

Happy 2!!!!

Keep the faith

Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

Welcome to the 2 year club. Let's hope and pray we don't have to become members of the 3 year club. HA! Someday we will talk about these days as we sit watching our little girls play together.