Monday, October 08, 2007

CCAA Updates Website!

Well, today we saw the update on the CCAA's website. They are FINISHED with the NOVEMEBER 2005 referrals............FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now maybe things will pick up a little bit and they will be able to refer more each month than they have been doing. The November 2005 group was apparently the largest group of dossiers and after that the numbers dropped off until the March 06' group. Ours was sent and logged in on April 04, 2006 so we're REALLY hoping that things will speed up and they will get to ours before the summer of 2008. We really don't want to travel in the summer during the Olympics in Beijing. Everyone join in and say a prayer that things will speed up and we'll get our babygirl soon!!!!!!!


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I have been trying to not look at where they are up to but fingers crossed that maybe it will speed up - if anything just a little... still, I am not going to get down... I refuse to.

Unknown said...

So glad November is done..Cant wait to read December on that site and then maybe 2006!

Tracy said...

Now that my crazy monster month is out of the way, I hope things move faster for all of you!
