Tuesday, October 14, 2008

WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, democracy is alive and well! After signing a petition, writing letters to Congressman Goode and Senator Webb, we FINALLY found out today that Immigration has changed the rules and will be letting us renew the I600A instead of having to fill out the dreadful I800A. The I800A would require a brand new homestudy, updated medicals AGAIN, background checks from EVERY place we have lived since we were 18 years old, and MOUNDS of paperwork! The process for the I600A is MUCH easier and smoother! When I got the news I just sat here and CRIED! Thank goodness something worked out! Now if China would only speed up and get us matched with our girls! Thanks to all my friends and family who signed the petition and prayed for us about this matter! Love you all!

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