Friday, January 05, 2007

Our 9-Month LID-iversary!

Well, it has been NINE WHOLE months since we were logged in at the CCAA in China. If this was a biological pregnancy, we'd be delivering our baby........BUT with a "paper pregnancy" our delivery is VERY unpredictable. We've heard rumors that CCAA is up to a 14-15 month wait between LID and referral so if that is true, we have five or six more months to go before we receive a referral and know who are baby girl will be. I can't help but wonder if she's been born yet. We asked for a young baby and I have heard that the youngest you can hope for would be six months old so maybe she hasn't even been born yet. We will hang in there and get ready for our baby girl and hope that things will speed up. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers! We hope that whoever our baby is and wherever she is right now, that Heavenly Father will bless her with people in her life to take care of her and love her until we are in the position to love her beyond measure!

1 comment:

Dawn and Dale said...

Happy 9 mths!!

Ohhh I hope it only is 14 or 15 months for us!! Right now those with a late Sept 05 LID are going to have a 16 mth wait. =( Yuck, it just seems to keep getting worse!

Being 9 mths in is great for us though!! Yipee!!!

Dawn (Another 04/05/06 LID'er!!)