Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"Bear-y" Wonderful Goodies From Our Secret Pals!

Well, the time is winding down on our Secret Pal Activity and next month will be the LAST month that we will receive goodies from our pals. Now you have to realize that when this whole Secret Pal thing started, we were thinking it would last about 6-8 months, we'd get some cute stuff for Rebekah, give some cute stuff to another couple for their baby, meet some nice people on this adoption journey, and that would be about all it was to it. Boy, were WE WRONG! hahahahahahahahahahaha Our steadfast and dedicated pals who give to us EVERY SINGLE month go WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY above and beyond what the activity calls for. They have spoiled us absolutely ROTTEN! They know what we like, what we need, and they always manage to find the cutest things for Rebekah! They have also spoiled our feline babies with many many toys and hours of enjoyment! They have remembered our birthdays, our anniversary, and sent us anonymous emails when they read our blog and saw that we were discouraged or going through a rough patch! They sent toys, clothes, books, dolls, etc. for Rebekah and then turned around and sent us CD's, giftcards for our favorite restaurants, ornaments, etc. just for us. They have stuck with us for almost 30 MONTHS! GOOD GOLLY!!!!!!!!!!! Their notes and cards and emails are always full of encouragement and love and those have been read and re-read and saved in Rebekah's little diary for her to read one day. Mrs. Secret Pal even knitted or crocheted (I can't tell which) a BEAUTIFUL blanket for our baby girl to one day snuggle under! When I took THAT one out of the box, I must admit that I cried like a baby! To think of all the hours and work that she put into that JUST FOR OUR BABY, meant the world to me! And now we are sitting here knowing that next month, we will find out who this wonderful couple is! It is exciting to know that we will find have an identity to put with all of this love and thoughtfulness that they have bestowed on us! I am SURE we will remain close friends forever!!!!!!!!!! They have become a part of our lives and so many things they sent to us for Rebekah will be part of her childhood and part of the memories that we create with her!
So.........with all that said, let me get on to thanking them profusely for the goodies in this month's box. The theme was "Bears" and they sent a panda backpack and matching panda lunchbox for Rebekah to use when she goes to school one day, a bear puzzle book, a white blanket with a bear embroidered on it, several little things from Build-A-Bear along with this red-white-and-blue outfit for the Build A Bear that they gave us months ago (it was dressed in a Chinese outfit), a silk handkerchief with embroidered pandas on it, and a Kent State bottle/bib/rattle set (we are guessing they are graduates of Kent State and may be from Ohio???????) Anyhow, we were just blown away by everything and wanted to let them know how much we love it all and say THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!


Robby, Tonja, Caitlin and Marissa said...

You hit the mother lode!! I love all the panda stuff - that's our favorite in this household.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Has it been that long since I have popped in to say hi... I am dying to find out who your SP is... hope all is going well for you...

Anonymous said...

I just ran across your blog. I hate this wait for you. Believe me I thought I had it bad when our wait went from 9 months to 12. But one day you really will look back at this and say it was worth it. When someone told me that I was like yeah right! But honestly, when your daughter is in your arms you will not care any longer how long it took. Stay strong!

I look forward to seeing your wonderful news soon!


Tracy said...

Wow - 30 months of secrest pals spoiling you! Amazing!