Monday, May 29, 2006

100 Wishes Quilt

Once school is out on June 9th I plan on starting on the baby's 100 Wishes Quilt. This is a tradition in the northern regions of China. Friends and family members give pieces of cloth to the parents of new babies along with a written "wish" for that child's future. The mother then sews the cloth into a quilt for the child to always have. I am going to put the "wishes" into a scrapbook with a piece of the cloth so that one day our baby will be able to realize all of the wonderful people in her life that sent her well wishes even before she became part of our family. I hope everyone will help us out with this and help make this a wonderful experience. We sent the information out with our Christmas cards and I was going to start on it over the winter months, but got very very busy with school and NO SNOW DAYS this year.......hahahahaha. Summer will be perfect! It's just part of the "nesting" I guess!
Doug bought the baby a teddy bear mobile the other day at Toys Are Us! It is so cute and plays Brahms Lullaby! We have the crib accessories with the teddy bears on it, a small umbrella stroller with Pooh on it (for the trip to China) and a Pooh babybag.

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