Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Little Bits of Excitement......

I was talking to a friend of mine at school today and she was asking about the adoption........I was telling her that we could get our referral THIS month and I just had a picture in my head of someone in China holding our dossier and matching us with our baby......looking at our pictures and deciding which baby is to be ours.....
All of a sudden I got a shiver down my spine and it just felt so real and so exciting!!! I get those little spurts of excitement every now and then and I check Rumor Queen's website all the time just hoping for some rumors that they are sending referrals soon, but I will admit that most of the time I don't feel excited too much yet. It's like "the calm before the storm!" hahahahahahahahaha I know that once we get the referral we will have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to do and get and organize and it will be CRAZY so I guess I'm just enjoying my last little bit of calm before everything goes NUTS! hahahahahahahaha
But I have to think of this little Red Thread Poem that is part of the Chinese Adoption Community. Our baby's life is about to become a part of our life and the lives of our friends and family. But I know that she is meant to be a part of us and we are meant to be a part of her. Heavenly Father has a very special child to send to us and it will be our job to raise her and teach her and help her to become the person she is supposed to be in life. WOW, that can be overwhelming when you think about it..........this little life is going to be OUR responsibility.......a responsibility that Heavenly Father is entrusting to US!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

It IS going to happen soon!!!! Very soon.

Love and blessings, Kristy